
A what?

A colophon is a list of tools which were used to create something .. in this case a website.

Erm.. why? 

Well, because you're here to learn web design, so it might interest you to learn how this website was made.

So, what have you used?

The site was designed on an 27" iMac running Snow Leopard. I used Adobe Fireworks CS5 for the design and Dreamweaver CS5 (code mode) for the HTML and CSS development.  I used HTML5-ready HTML and CSS3, along with the jQuery Javascript framework.

The default fonts are Times New Roman (headings) and Helvetica (body copy), but I've used Typekit to "progressively enhanced" these to Minion Pro (headings) and Proxima Nova (body copy).

The site runs entirely on Shopify, including the blog.

The book was written on a Mac, and typeset using Apple Pages.  I used Avenir for the headings and boxouts and Adobe Caslon Pro for the body copy.

Screenshots were taken using Paparazzi and the cover photo is from iStockPhoto.

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